Friday, July 31, 2009

Chairing Styles 2009-2010

Back so soon? Why YES, I am!

I promised more to come about chairing styles on my last (and very first) post ... and I wouldn't want to break any promises ...

Even though I graduated from FIDM in June, I just couldn't resist the opportunity to extend my involvement in their Interior Design program and was thrilled to find out I had been chosen to be one of 10 Interior Design students to participate in their Chairing Styles program. This annual program, sponsored by Cotton Inc., is a unique exhibition that pulls together FURNITURE, FABRIC, and FASHION. Together students from FIDM's Interior Design, Fashion Design, and Textile Design departments work as a team to create original chairs, fashion ensembles, and printed textiles.

As an Interior Design student participating in this year's program, I am working on designing a chair that incorporates the fabric designed by a Textile Design student and uses the fabric design as inspiration for the chair design. At FIDM's annual DEBUT Gala, in conjunction with the Debut Fashion Show, there is an exhibition of the year's "Chairing Styles" collaborations. This year all of the designs will draw from a "Garden Party" theme ... with whimsical floral and nature inspired prints, and chairs that can transition from the indoors to the outdoors. In March 2010 I will proudly walk down the DEBUT runway with my chair! Now, I can not only be able to say that I am an Interior Designer, but also a custom furniture designer!

As I go through the creative process of designing and manufacturing my chair I will share with you all of the ups, and downs ... exciting moments, and frustrating moments.

Photo compliments of Jen Willhite Interior Design

1 comment:

  1. good luck with your chair... look forward to seeing the finished product!
